BIZTECHBUZZ in the world of social, cognitive, IoT and startups

Category: Marketing 2.0 (Page 18 of 38)

Women Entrepreneur Day Sponsored by IBM!!! Feb 3 An Infographic

Women-led businesses receive only 13% of VC deals, and that’s up 20% YTY, according to Pitchbook, a venture-capital research firm. This is good momentum! And for me, this is means 2014 will continue to be a breakout year for women in technology too.

I’m also thrilled to help spark this breakout by hosting IBM Global Entrepreneur Week, February 3-7th. I’m honored to be the first woman to host this premier event.   Register to join us!

This one-of-a-kind event will feature virtual and in-person opportunities to learn from and network with entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, academic leaders, IBM executives and IBM Business Partners. There’s no better place to connect with other female entrepreneurs and find out what it takes to build and maintain a successful startup … and there’s no better time to register!

Spread the word with all of your fellow female entrepreneurs using the promo below on all of your social networks. Then join us on February 3 during our Online Bash at 10:30 AM EST to hear from leading women on how to survive this competitive marketplace.

I hope to virtually see you there!  Register NOW!

Woman Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs! Join us for IBM Entrepreneur Week Feb 3-9!

I consider myself an Intrapreneur at IBM!   Yes, and IBM has hundreds and thousands of entrepreneurs who joined our ranks through numerous acquisitions!

We’d love for you to join us at our IBM Entrepreneur Week Feb 3-9 for a mix of great virtual and in person events!

This week will be global!!!

entrepreneur week posters

Intrapreneurs and Entrepreneurs are great friends!!!

  • Entrepreneurs provide the spark. Intrapreneurs keep the flame going.
  • Entrepreneurs are found anywhere their vision takes them. Intrapreneurs work within the confines of an organization.
  • Entrepreneurs face many hurdles, and are sometimes ridiculed and riddled with setbacks. Intrapreneurs may sometimes have to deal with conflict within the organization.
  • Entrepreneurs may find it difficult to get resources. Intrapreneurs have their resources readily available to them.
  • Entrepreneurs may lose everything when they fail. Intrapreneurs still have a paycheck to look forward to (at least for now) if they fail.
  • Entrepreneurs know the business on a macro scale. Intrapreneurs are highly skilled and specialized.


I am AquaWoman!

Crazy title I know.   But did you know since I had my accident in Brazil, I have swam everyday consistently for 3 months in my quest for total recovery.   And have earned my new nickname — Aquawoman!


Given that I go to the same pool daily ( except for the 2 weeks at Christmas where I went to another location and pool!), I have learned the names of the lifeguards, their shifts, who swims when and what injury they have sustained, where kids are heading to college and the list goes on.  Given the lifeguards had to help me into and out of the pool for a while, I gave them each a small present of my appreciation at Christmas.    I have developed a new small family of swimmers!!!

I thought about how amazing this was!  And it was all SOCIAL! I learned a lot of lessons in that pool for my Social World!

  1. Consistency earns Trust.    In Social or any relationship, you can not come in and out.  You must remain consistent in your interactions.  Plan time to interact and develop relationships.
  2. It is P2P – People 2 People.  People are not robots.  And they are not just all business.    They have lives and their lives extend far beyond their business side.   Get to know things that matter to them — their families, hopes, dreams, and injuries!  This helps you to know them as a full person.
  3. Reward those that help you.   Yes, the small token I gave each lifeguard (22 in total!) was a way I could express how appreciative I was of their help.  Everyday I thanked them.   And they responded in kind. I get so much help and great attitudes every time I  come in.   The same is true in Social.  Re tweet others, interview them and spotlight them.  Thank them for their help and assistance!

As I have said many times, Social is not magic.  It is simply something people have been doing throughout the ages — forming relationships!

You don’t have to be as smart as Watson just have the social skills!!!!

Fluid at NRF! Check out their Watson Retail Solution!

At NRF, Ginni Rometty discussed the use of cognitive for Retailers.   On the Main Event, she talked about an application that our IBM Partner Fluid has built to take advantage of this use of cognitive in the retail space. I had the great pleasure of meeting with them on Monday!

Fluid, which builds online shopping experiences for retail businesses to drive customer engagement and conversion, is developing the Fluid Expert Personal Shopper(sm) powered by IBM Watson. The app calls upon Watson’s ability to understand the nuances of human language and uncover answers from Big Data. Consumers who use Fluid’s app will interact with rich media and dialogue with Watson, as their newfound “cognitive, expert personal shopper.” The Fluid app incorporates the information users share and questions they ask to help them make smart, satisfying purchases by putting a knowledgeable sales associate in the hands of consumers, on demand!

On stage, she mentioned David Jones leveraging this new paradigm!

See how cognitive can assist Retail in this use of data in a cognitive way!

Answering some of your WATSON questions! Summary of Watson Announcements

Happy Monday!    Yes I am at NRF today but see the breadth of questions coming in from IBM’s announcements last week on Watson so I would like to summarize in a blog post!

With the introduction of the new Watson group comes a host of supporting activity including a new headquarters in Silicon Alley section of New York, over 2500 professionals staffing and over a Billion dollars in funding.

•We’ve added two new offerings also announced today further expand our cognitive portfolio:
1. The IBM Watson Discovery Advisor will discover connections within Big Data to help organizations speed up research and bring new innovations to market.
2. IBM Watson Analytics will revolutionize how business users—from C-level to front-line—discover, visualize and share Big Data insights.
•We’re continuing investment in research to push the boundaries of cognitive systems
•And we’re continuing to push the Ecosystem initiative forward with direct investment in partnerships and moving toward additional partners within the program!
Watson Announcements

My favorite Infographic of the Week! What does Success look like for a Mobile App Startup!


I now get to manage IBM’s Global Entrepreneur program.  I love learning about the new start-up business models and that’s why this Infographic made my top of the list for this week!

Fascinating facts:

  • Top performers spent 14% of their time on marketing but did you know that less than 52% of start-ups save any money for Marketing?
  • Did you know that 68% earned less than $5K on their first successful app?


apps infographic






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