BIZTECHBUZZ in the world of social, cognitive, IoT and startups

Month: May 2012 (Page 1 of 2)

Today I present IBM’s Social Business Story in London! #socbiz #ibmsocialbiz #SBSS12

Today, I am honored to be invited to Keynote about IBM’s use of Social at SBSS12 in London!   After I speak today, I’ll share the presentation on Slideshare but just for a taste!

Some examples of IBM’s external social media footprint today include:

  • Facebook: 198,000 current employees
  • LinkedIn: 281,000 current employees, 16m first-order connections, 615,000 IBM followersTwitter: >20,000 current employees
  • Blogs: 1000s of individual IBMer blogs
  • developerWorks: 8,000,000 users; 300,000 profiled members
  • GreaterIBM Connections: 100,000 IBM Alumni

And my top 5 take aways will be!

  1. Culture and leadership matter but so does every employee!
  2. Always embed social in a business process – Internal and External
  3. Measure, measure, measure
  4. Pick a great Social Platform  (we use IBM Connections!)
  5. You are never done!

The Salvation Army is a blessing AND a Social Business! #socbiz #ibmsocialbiz #ls13

I was in London with the Salvation Army — a true inspiration and Social Business!   They do so much good work around the world — giving back and helping others.   I admire them greatly! 

But did you also know that they are a Social Business — taking that greater mission through social channels.  I met with Commissioner Sue Swanson and Mark Calleran the Chief Information Officer of the The Salvation Army.  Commander Sue has great vision around how to take Social even to the next level (See below for what they’ve done so far!)

Case Study: Salvation Army The Salvation Army, headquartered in London, has leveraged innovative engagement methods for its market. It held an International Youth Forum for those age 18 to 29. They leveraged a social networking device held by the delegates called a Poken. The Poken was a physical device that contained their contact information, including Facebook connections. When they touched their Poken with those of other delegates, the contact details were automatically exchanged. According to Mark Calleran, the Chief Information Officier (CIO) at Salvation Arm, more than 31,000 interactions (making friends) took place during the event. The top three “Pokenauts” managed to make 215, 190, and 170 friends. In addition, they had numerous live streaming video reviews through the Poken as well. Just as in the Coca-Cola example, the engagement strategy was to find a way for the community that came together once to stay connected beyond the event. And so far, this community has continued the engagement.

And there is much more as well coming!  Hats off to the Salvation Army!

Design your Social Business with a Brand Army, Advocacy, and Risk Management! #socbiz #ibmsocialbiz

Sorry I am late for our Monday Social Business Coffee Break!  I had a bit of difficulty getting to Paris but I am here now safe and sound!

I am very excited about this Social Business Coffee Break and know that you will be too because this video has lots of actions around the Brand Army, Adovacy, and Risk Mitigation Planning!

Let me know what you think!

Cybercrimes are fast and frequent. Are you ready?! 7 Tips for ALL #socbiz #ibmsocialbiz

Our weekend post is for all of us is on cyber attacks which could be on the Home or at work.  There are some great tips in this Digital IBM work!

I’d love to hear what you think?

Did you know that cyber attacks are fast,  and could be prevented?

So what do you do?   We have 7 tips that can help you!

Let me know of any other tips you have used to protect against cybercrimes!

Class of 2012 – The Social Generation is the new way of working!! #socbiz #ibmsocialbiz #ibm

Yes, we are continuing on our march through the infographics from the Digital IBMer!

Today’s is on the Class of 2012 — the Digital Natives!  I am a Digital Immigrant and proud of it!  I love social.    Tell me what factoids here surprise you!

Everyone is online! 


Everyone’s on a social network!  Well, almost everyone!

Social and mobile are interlocked — or should be!

The leaders of tomorrow won’t replace face-to-face interactions with digital ones, they will find ways to balance and get the most out of both.

Risk do exist – you need to develop a risk management plan!


Our best practices include:

Much will depend upon how today’s graduates and future generations harness the digital world — to drive progress in
healthcare, transportation, cities, and more. As people’s lives are increasingly digitally connected, being
social, secure and smart is not only a rallying cheer for the Class of 2012, it is becoming a way of life!

Create your digital identity! #socbiz #ibmsocialbiz #ibm #ls12

I am so excited about the new set of  “social, smart and secure” that supports our Digital IBMer initiative.  IBM released a set of four infographics that are designed to be shared with your family, friends and colleagues!  I will start with one my favorites on your digital identity!

First, consider where you go Social!

Second, make sure that you are active in Social!

Third, Authencity is perfect!

So our advice is the following:

And more! 


Follow-up Q&A from Wed Brainyard’s Community Manager Call! #ibm #ibmsocialbiz #socm2012 #socbiz

Thanks for participating in the Community discussion yesterday! We received so many questions that I will try to answer them here in my blog!Just as a bit of background

A community is a group of people that join together around a common interest or goal.

It provides an excellent way to connect members of a team and help them to stay in touch and share information.   Communities can be public or restricted, allowing community owners to control who can join the community and access community content.  They provide a central place where individuals new to the organization or discipline can quickly find others or conduct events and training course designed to bring people together and make them aware of individual and collective experience

A success factor for communities is having a great community manager! A question I get all the time is Who do you hire?  My advice?

  • Someone who knows Web 2.0 tools and uses them naturally
  • Believes strongly in your company and mission
  • Passionate about the brand/interest area/focus
  • Strong listening skills
  • Motivates others in a cause

Question and Answers:

1. Does a private community conflict with the open transparent nature of the social community?

I don’t think so! A private community protects privacy and information. So if you are a company wanting to innovate, I do believe that a private community should be used but you don’t want all those great ideas to be shared with your competitors. This is about being a business, not just fun!

2. What are your thoughts on special interest communities (non business related) on your Social Business Platform?

I think they are fine in moderation. I was just at IMPACT and Wendy Arnott, Vice President, Social Media and Digital Communications, from TD Bank said that 94% of their communities were business focused and the rest were special interest based. I think people bring their full person to the workplace and I think special interest communities bring that out!

3. Was the example of 19% increase in revenue due to a community in a consumer market? Or B2B?

I came across a very interesting article inStrategy+Business magazine recently which talks about how Online Communities for customers are really starting to pay off. The piece details a new study from University of Michigan

in January 2012 which has conclusively shown that companies who launch online communities for their customers to discuss, share and recommend products to each other can see an additional 19% of revenue generated per social customer. They call this Social Dollars – how much a customer will spend above what they did prior to joining the online community. Retail was the study’s focus area.

4. What metrics do you use for community metrics of success?

Level of engagement is a great metric to measure the success of a community. Are your employees and colleagues utilizing the group to gain knowledge, share ideas, and best practices?

5. Does IBM view project management skills important in a great community manager?

Yes, there are many things that make a great community manager. I went through some of them on the call. For example,

  • Loves “social”
  • Great collaborator
  • Part of community;  respected by community, .Motivates others, 5.
  • Can evoke energy/controversy.

There are MANY more but those are some that most people often don’t think about!

6. Do you need 1 or more community managers in a community?

It depends! I know not the best answer but it is true. It depends on size, goal, and activity!

7. How much in depth does a community manager have to understand the technology?

Enough to be a power user! They should know how to use it, not dissect it! 

What they do need to understand is how to balance the needs of knowledge contributors and seekers, how to promote membership and reward active participation, how to support active and appropriate content contributions, and how to monitor, measure, and share engagement & business value.

8. Is there an optimal community size?

There is really no optimal size. It depends!

9. How important is the tool in the success of a community?

I think it is important too! Ideally you would choose a tool that is easy to use and has a friendly interface to enhance the user experience and encourage engagement.  

10.  How high up in the corporate hierarchy should a community manager be? To whom should the CM report?

The community itself may dictate that answer.   If there is a community for requirements, I would think it should report into the Product Management team.   If it is a CEO community, something that would report into the CEO office.  For instance, for my external client community it reports into my c Suite team, dotted line to me.  For internal, it is reporting into the subject matter expertise area! 

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