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Avatar and 3D — The 3D’s of observation

How many of you have seen Avatar?

What’s amazing to me about that movie is the technology and the 3D experience.  It impacted me so much I decided to sit down and really think about how it will impact the future of our social businesses.

I came up with 3 Ds of impact! Data, Desire, and Domain Eminence! 

1)  Data Overload Savior?!  Since we are all in data overload, 3D can help make us more action oriented!  For instance,  Deutsche Bahn (DB), Germany’s national railway uses visualization software to create information-rich user displays for its new train dispatching application, resulting in improved speed and accuracy of decision-making and reduced staff training time to use the dispatching system to “almost zero” from 5 to 8 days per user, according to DB Systems management. 

By visualizing the data, making it come alive, the teams could focus on acting on the data, not trying to sort through data.  A great direction to head!

2)  Desire.  Techcrunch declared Avatar the iphone app for movies!So true, now that you’ve seen this movie, who wants to see a movie that’s not 3D?   This movie teases you with the potential of what is to come.

I now want to see my Twitter IDs in 3D and collaborate in 3d!.  See this Youtube video on how it might look — just a start!

3)  Domain Eminence!

I can envision using 3D — to showcase domain eminence.  For instance, see how the medical field is using 3D !  How cool is this one to take the medical profession to the next level of customer service!

And then I have personally experienced 3D power with the game that we are using to showcase our technology education!

I have to show it to you!    What do you think? It has a 80% higher recall through 3D education !

I’d love your thoughts.  Are you seeing the impact of 3D today?  What do you see for tomorrow?

3 Proof Points that Social Media HAS gone mainstream. Check out this …..

As I was thinking about social media in 2010, I believe a different thought process because Social media is NOW mainstream!  My proof? 

Everyone is doing it, speaking it, and mobilizing it!

Here are the big 3 I read over the holiday!

1) Top 100 Companies “doing” social media! I love this article on Social Media ratings for companies around their Social media saviness.  This means that Social Media has now become mainstream.   Check out the who whose list of those who are leveraging Social Media.

Is there anyone off the list on the Fortune 500?    Well, a few, the biggest Exxon, Chevron, GE,

I love this survey too!  According to a survey from the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), BtoB Magazine and ‘mktg’, despite continuing concerns about measuring ROI and effectiveness, two-thirds of marketers have used social media in 2009 and half have used viral videos, making these two formats the fastest-growing tactics in marketing!!!

 2)  Social Media Terms go mainstream!   When even my dad says, you’ve been tweeting a lot lately, you know something is happening!

I went to see if this was just “my family” or broader.  Check this research out — already “unfriend” and “hashtag” have made the dictionaries as common terms!  The world is changing!

Some examples include:

Words of the Year 2009

Tweetup – noun: a meeting or other gathering organised by means of posts on the social networking service Twitter. [from tweet + up on the pattern of MEETUP].

Hashtag – noun: a # [hash] sign added to a word or phrase that enables Twitter users to search for tweets (postings on the Twitter site) that contain similarly tagged items and view thematic sets.

Tag cloud – noun: a visual depiction of the word content of a website, or of user-generated tags attached to online content, typically using colour and font size to represent the prominence or frequency of the words or tags depicted.

Slashdot effect – noun: the slowing down or crashing of a small website due to a huge increase in traffic when the website is linked to another, much more popular one.

Unfriend/defriend – verb: to remove from one’s ‘friends’ list (e.g. on a social networking website).

3)  Mobile is main stream and everything hot is on mobile — over 50% of B2C marketers are using Social media on Mobile!

While mobile is used by 32 percent of overall marketers, it is three times more likely to be used by B2C versus B2B marketers (52% vs. 18%).

Social Media is mainstream!!!!

My 10 Social Media Resolutions for 2010!

So here I am, watching the beautiful snow fall and closing out 2009. Of course, I always do my New Year’s resolutions. As a family, we share ours and, of course, support each other in achieving the goals.

So for 2010, with all of you as my Social media family, I invite you to join me sitting at the fireplace for my Social media resolutions for this New Year.

1. Focus on my Tweeter associations. My holiday reading included blogs about how strong relationships were formed over social channels. Thus this goal: Pick out and strengthen 10-15 of my strongest relationships  from Twitter over the next year. Want to join me?

2. Really strengthen my Facebook presense. I love Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Flickr, but I never really talk about Facebook or leverage it. This year, I am going to find a great use for my Facebook page and presence. This B2B maven welcomes your suggestions.

3. Experiment with the new trends in social media, such as location-based services.  Given that things such as BriteKite and Foursquare might become breakout hits in 2010, I will experience location-based services. And I hope that these become integrated into Twitter, LinkedIn, and   yes, even Facebook.

4. Strengthen my content on blogs and tweets. Content is queen, and I want to deliver more and better content to all of you. This includes my content in keynotes and sessions such as those coming up at BlogHer and WITI 2010.

5. Give back through sharing more of my social media experiences. I was just on the phone with Carolyn Leighton, President of WITI, and Michelle Price, Social Media Maven. They shared with me trends on women wanting social media skills but needing training. Over Christmas, I taught my dad how to use Twitter, and a light bulb went off. I want to bring more people into using Social media with an ROI attitude, so I will train more people who want to use these tools.

6. Increase my use of the cool new WordPress features. With new features such as the Affiliate and Squeeze themes, learning how to make this blog even stronger. I love WordPress and just need the time to do more.

7. Write another book . I am just beginning, but I will share more my Social media more widely (closely related to resolution #5).

8. Leverage all tools in my social media tool box for my new IBM role as leader of Software Group Partners. I am pulling together my social media plan now to drive more connections and ease of use, as well as sales linkage for my partner community. New territory, for sure.

9. Start a series on my blog with other top SMEs (subject matter experts). I will start this in January and have a great line-up planned. What companies would you like to see featured and what leaders would be good to interviewe here? Do you know someone I should focus on? How about you?

10. Talk to members of the Digital Generation and learn more about how they think. For them, social media is life . I want to see more about how they use  sites and content and how they think. My cousin only sends texts; my dad is now on twitter. This is ageless and timeless, and I need to learn more about its potential.

I want to hear from you on this one. What did I miss? Will you help me meet these goals?

Blog like Steve Jobs?!

So I have been hooked on some of the videos on Sell like Steve Jobs, Pitch like Steve Jobs, etc.  So I decided I would do Blog Like Steve Jobs!

  • Sell dreams, not products … It’s important to have great products, of course, but passion, enthusiasm and emotion will set you apart.
  • Create Twitter-like headlines … If you can’t describe your product or service in 140 characters, keep refining.
  • Introduce the antagonist … great brands and religions have something in common: the idea of vanquishing a shared enemy. Creating a villain allows the audience to rally around the hero–you.
  • Stick to the rule of three … the human brain can only absorb three or four “chunks” of information at any one time …
  • Strive for simplicity … It’s difficult to find 10 words on a dozen Apple slides. Most of Steve Jobs’ slides are visual–photographs or images … Jobs tells the Apple story; his slides complement the story …
  • Reveal a “Holy Smokes” moment … There is always one moment in a Steve Jobs presentation that is the water cooler moment … These showstoppers are completely scripted ahead of time … everyone who watched it–and those who read about–seem to recall …
  • Share the stage … Your audience craves variety. Give it to them. They also want to see teamwork. Show it to them.

World Brand Congress — In Mumbai India

On Nov 4-5, I was at the World Brand Congress! It was held in Mumbai at the great Taj Lands End Hotel. The World Brand congress is a group of some of the best marketing brains that gather from all over the world. Check it out here!

The meeting was unlike any that I have been to before! The award evening brought people from multiple countries. It was jazzy and focused on the value of marketing. The energy was enough to last a year!

There were some great sessions including the use of Radio in India (millions and millions of listeners!) and other sessions included Brand Valuation, top trends in consumers in India, and marketing in the down economy!

Interesting on consumer trends in India! Here are the top 10 that I took down and it is interesting to see how many are relevant WW not just in India!

  • Sandwich: Today’s generation is caught taking care of kids and parents
  • Focus on what’s best for their children. not that the cost of school for one child increased at 2x the rate of inflation in India with some families spending over 50% of their income on education.
  • Age as an identify. “60 is the new 16”
  • “I” dentity switching to “E”dentity with the new focus on social media.
  • “me” culture
  • Self perservation
  • Time is #1 currency
  • No frills chic
  • Having enough is always ahead of you!
  • Don’t share kids lives, they live it!

A Big thanks to Dr R.L Bhatia who was a wonderful host of the conference! Thank you for your honor that you bestowed on me as the brand leader of the year along with my peers! It was amazing!

Americans Consume 34 Gigabytes of Information per day

I was reading CRUNCHGEAR.COM.

The article I was intrigued by was about all the information that we consume. It was put together by the Global Information Industry of the University of California at San Diego.

It was based on 2008 data, exploring US consumers and consumption of social media data as well as TV , newspapers, etc. The key take aways for me were:

1. Americans consume about 34 Gigabytes of information a day.

2. We spend about 12 hours a day

3. Old media (TV, newspaper etc) makes up 60% of the information.

4. The average person spends 2 hours a day on the computer (ummmm….)

5. 100,000 words are read each day.





Q interactive study – Virtual Gifting

Q Interactive’s just-released study of 2,000 women and their use of virtual gifting and virtual goods.

Key findings include: 57 % believe virtual gifting is as meaningful as real life gifting Women are “actively engaging with brands” through virtual goods Respondents enjoy the presence of virtual goods during social gaming Furthermore, 74 % of women started using social applications and virtual goods because they saw or heard about a friend playing.

Social Media Trends — View from the World!

As I have traveled around the world, I am seeing the following top Social Media Trends. I’d love your thoughts on these as core topics! I call them my crazy 8’s!

1) Mobility and social networking are biggest (most influential and highly visible) emerging trends related to Internet usage. The bar is now set as basic communications like voice or internet access and other than voice growing faster outside the US as far as I can see. The US runs the risk of being left behind in this core market since growth of mobility and user expectations are being set outside of the US!!! Safety and security are large reasons why the up-and-coming Tweens users are increasingly accessing mobile devices since their view security and privacy issues in social media environments.

I predict that key to mobile, social networking, and cloud will be security, and location based services like I saw in Japan. As walking downtown Tokyo, my cell lit up with coupons and offers based on stores I passed. Location awareness will increase in importance with the rise of mobile Internet and mobile social networking applications.

2) Social media is on the rise especially outside the US. Some of the most rapidly growing countries are South Korea, Brazil and the Philippines. In fact, when the power went out in Brazil, I used Twitter to find out what happened and if my hotel had a generator. In general, there is a youth movement driving much of the initial mobile Internet and social networking usage (particular in mature markets).

3) Mobile-friendly websites are required to leverage the power of the mobile Internet. Pictures are worth a 1000 words and therefore online video has a meaningful impact on purchase decisions. I believe the future of video is on mobile devices.   Most of the world is ahead of the US in mobile.  (P.S. I’d love some social mobile case studies!)

4) Continuation of a focus on relationship.   The best in class companies will not place the focus of social media on the bottom line revenue but focus instead on building relationship and continuous improvement. One of the biggest influences on purchases will continue to be colleague word of mouth — which as we know, grows exponentially with social media.  I see countries like India and China will a focus on this relationship element vs just ROI. 

5) WorldWide,  I continue to hear the biggest fear from all size companies on how to protect their company’s brand. Reputation management is an increasingly important trend.  Social media drives concerns related to brand management as well as implications for personal information.

6) Resume 2.0. And speaking of personal information, I think that the majority of resumes will be links to facebook, linkedin, podcasts, youtube, etc. The U.S. is leading this trend right now but I see other countries following.

7) Keep up the pace with search engine optimization. I predict that search engine optimization will continue to evolve. For instance, twitter will be searchable and will impact the search ratings and more changes will be coming WW.  I see this impact changing the way companies in multiple countries do business.

8) Cross pollination will accelerate in the future starting in the US first. In the future, there will be more linkage between social media tools. Using Twitter to drive reads of blogs, LinkedIn to facebook, for example… add the blog link application so your posts are prominently displayed on your LinkedIn profile.

So this is my view from visiting about 58 countries.  What did I miss?

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