BIZTECHBUZZ in the world of social, cognitive, IoT and startups

Category: social marketing (Page 36 of 47)

Social Lessons from the beach: A little bikini is no match for a big wave!

Yes, both of my daughters love their bikinis on the beach!  But as we went wave riding, they learned quickly that that little bikini is no match for the big wave!

The same is true in social!  Sometimes the wave is too big for just company spokespeople and with 70% of online consumers trust peer recommendations #1,  you will need more than just the “bikini” squad.  You need a brand advocate.

A brand advocate is a person who is passionate about your brand and references you as a matter of course.   They could be an influencer or a client or an employee.   Determining your brand advocates is about listening and selecting based on common interests, knowledge, and other key elements critical for your business.

In addition to seeking out your advocates, it is important to determine your best friends, or your tippers. These are those people who influence your brand online and those whom others listen to about your products.

These key influencers have a set of characteristics. Typically, they are people who have strong relationships, and are an expert or authority in a subject. Sometimes influencers are those who get attention, taking an atypical view, or are just loud. I was recently at a virtual conference and heard a speaker talk about an influencer as someone who is honest, trustworthy, and knowledgeable. They have a consistent opinion that is objective and not influenced by someone paying them! These items drive a level of social trust and that trust persuades another person to take action.

Finally, developing social trust is about showcasing care and value. Listen and change where needed. Always be honest, and demonstrate value-add to your clients and the industry.

These are the top elements of your plan to build your brand advocates:

[lb]       Determination of your friends or brand advocates today: A friend is a client, a potential client, or an influencer who recommends your brand, company, or product because they like it so much, they feel compelled to discuss it. Determining those who are your friends or brand advocates is important to your overall social trust plan.

[lb]       Determination of your “best friends” or tippers: These are people who influence the rest of the clients and potential clients online and offline, usually about 5% to 10% of your product’s or category’s population. These tippers are important people for your overall strategy and your company will pay extra attention to them.

[lb]       Brand advocacy strategy: A brand advocacy strategy is a plan to determine those actions your company can take to build brand advocates, or people who are passionate about your brand and reference you as a normal course of business. Part of this strategy could be in the content that you share, your shared vision of a point of view in the market, or even support of a common cause that is outside the primary goal of making profit[md]for example, making the planet a better place.

[lb]       Content activation plan: This is a plan to create content, distribute content, promote content, and measure its success. This content activation plan is usually determined in the Social Business Digital Council. The goal of the content is to showcase your company’s subject matter expertise or point of view (POV). It is critical when starting a community, and for guarding your reputation.

[lb]       Determination of key methods to establish social trust in your space: Based on your company’s goals, a trust plan is formed to create and protect trust through online experiences and dialogues with a company, product, or brand.

With this brand army, you can ride the wave with confidence!!!

Lessons from Vacation: Stop whatever you are doing to watch the sunset!

Here is the sunset I saw on my vacation.  Stop what you are doing!


The same is true in Social!  If your company is using social without a social governance policy — stop whatever you are doing and create one!

The Social Business guidelines for your company should be based on your values. Consider following best practices from my book Get Bold. 

            1.         Guidelines should be written by your employees in a social group setting. Those guidelines developed in a participatory fashion will last.

            2.         Guidelines should state why the guidelines exist; for example, to innovate in a responsible way.

            3.         Guidelines should be short and to the point.

            4.         Guidelines should state your position on open dialogue what’s fair game and what’s not (confidential information).

            5.         Guidelines should state consequences.

            6.         Guidelines should encourage transparency.

            7.         Guidelines should state privacy and rights of your company’s partners and clients.

            8.         Guidelines should guide in adding value and learning from mistakes.

            9.         Guidelines should discuss time spent in social media.

            10.       Guidelines should encourage your company’s goals in social techniques.

On you can find a collection of company social guidelines. Read through them and define your guidelines in sync with your culture and goals. For example, in sync with its corporate culture, Zappos’s Social Media Policy is “be real and use your best judgment.” This Social Policy showcases Zappos’s trust in their employees! Intel’s Social Media Guidelines have a few best practices as well. Examples include “be transparent” and “if it gives you pause, pause.” I also love their advice that “perception is reality and it’s a conversation.” I think the key is defining these with a collaborative group of digital citizens throughout your company.

For large global organizations, corporate culture sometimes needs to make way for local culture. For example, at IBM we have a very open-minded culture supported by our senior leadership team. We have sponsorship from the very top of IBM supporting our movement into end-user-generated content to become a Social Business. However, we do understand that there are also cultural differences across the globe. As such, we make sure to understand these cultural differences and embrace them.  With IBM operating in more than 170 countries, our team reviews privacy acts around the globe to ensure that we keep the interest of the employees at the center of focus.

Now, find a sunset and ensure your company has a policy!

Social Trend #3: Innovation is accelerated in Culture through ideation & predictive

Happy Monday!  Social Business Trends are shaking the world and today’s Social Coffee Break is about our third trend.

Innovation must be part of a corporation’s culture.   Things are moving so fast those who can change and adapt will be most competitive.   In today’s Social world, innovation is accelerated through social.   See how ideation (crowdsourcing) and predictive capability (analytics) accelerate innovation in corporations!


Skills gaps are creating huge challenges in Social, Mobile,

The IBM Tech Trends report is based on a survey of more than 1,200 professionals who make technology decisions for their organizations (22 percent IT managers, 53 percent IT practitioners, and 25 percent business professionals). Our respondents come from 16 different industries and 13 countries, spanning both major and growth markets.

I was surprised that mobile is the largest gap, followed by Cloud.  While there is a gap in Social, of the Big 4, it is the best one.

Thoughts?  Any surprises to you?!


Social Lessons Learned from the Beach! Integrate!


Ahhhhh!  I love the summer and what better summer fun, that being in the ocean.   I love riding the waves .. and you quickly that another wave is always coming!  There is always the next one —that provides continuous action.  So your plan of attack is ride the one, and for the best, combine their power!

The same is true in Business.   Make sure you are taking into account the consolidated effect!

Did you know that less than one-third of marketers have integrated social media and mobile marketing with other campaign?  The State of Marketing 2013, IBM’s Global Survey of Marketers 

Since 68% of social networking is done on a mobile device, the lack of combining the trends that come on top of one another is a non competitive view!

How might you accomplish this integration?   Combine location, customer identity, and customer interactions to personalize mobile apps

It seems that customers in banking, retail, travel, and media and communications are prioritizing their mobile strategies and many have deployed or will soon deploy mobile applications.   Amex’s mobile app presents personalized offers based on a variety of things, including location – In addition to a customer’s purchase history, aka “spend graph”, and current location, Amex allows users to further personalize offers based on in-app thumbs up or thumbs down ratings, which informs the future deals that surface. Learn from existing customer data and from real-time feedback from users.

 BUT, it is important to recognize that “context” is more than “location”  – e.g., an unhappy customer is an unhappy customer anywhere (still wouldn’t want to target them even if they’re near a store that they dislike)

You are never too old to boogie board — or to social network!

In my summer vacation series, here’s my next lesson from the beach!

I got to use my boogie board to surf the waves and the wave pool!  What I learned is that you are never too old to boogie!

Just like you are never too old or too high in a company to use social networking.  The fastest growing group on Facebook are those over the age of 55!  Did you know that 32% of top CEOs have at least one account on a social network! The % of CIOs who say that social is important to their business has more than doubled in the last year per the MIT Sloan Management Review.

What are you waiting for?  Catch the wave and boogie!

You can't feed just one seagull (a series on Social and Vacation!)

This past week I was at the beach — with a very relaxing time in the sun.  The whole time I was there I saw social in so many different ways.

Once when my daughters tried to feed one seagull , they ended up with a whole flock.   You can’t just feed one !  Or can you?

In Social,  you should respond to comments in a way that showcases that your brand really cares and engages around client concerns.   Responding is an important part of interacting and engaging with your audience, while also humanizing your brand, improving brand loyalty and creating brand ambassadors. 

But you don’t have to respond to all negative comments.   Have a well thought out plan and know what “level” of comment that you want to respond too.   In some cases, have other clients speak on your behalf.   Unlike at the beach, you don’t have to feed all the seagulls.

Talking social zombies and bootcamps at SXSW 2014

Wondering what are key trends you need to know when building your social plan? Come find out in these fun/interactive sessions proposed for SXSW 2014!

First, you need to remember that social is a global phenomenon. You can engage with folks in Nairobi, New York or Naples. But… we all have cultural differences, and if you fail to take these into account you run the risk of becoming a social zombie:

Vote now for this session! []

Second, unleash the vast power of social by tying it to those other big trends in technology right now: big data and analytics. Apply social across all your business processes, create an environment of expertise and trust, and develop a corporate culture that embraces collaboration:

 Vote now for this bootcamp!

Will I see you at SXSW 2014? If so, reach out and let’s chat further!

Thank God it's Monday! Social Business Trend 2

Everyone always celebrates Friday so I thought today we’d celebrate Monday with a great Social Business coffee Break.

Today we are focused on the 2nd core trend in Socialytics:   Marketing not just to a demographic but to the power of 1.  (Reminder;   trend 1 was the power of information sharing and that driving a need socially to recognize expertise and trust!)

As always tell me what you think!

Join me to discuss Socialytics = Social + Big Data + Analytics

Since so many of you commented on the Socialytics article we have decided to do a seminar on it!   I’d love for you to join me:

Thursday August 22nd, 1:30 – 2:00PM EST, join me in a free webinar hosted by SayItSocial – an industry leader in digital business strategy and training where I will delve deeper into the concept of Socialytics and its importance in today’s social economy.

Click HERE to sign up!

Visit SayItSocial for more information.

I will be discussing the following: 

– Why trust and influence are paramount
– Velocity created by combining predictive capabilities and ideation
– How Social is the new production line
– The importance of social leadership for transformation
– Using social data to create personal marketing experiences



I am looking forward to seeing everyone there!


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