BIZTECHBUZZ in the world of social, cognitive, IoT and startups

Category: BIG Data (Page 5 of 5)

Social and BIG Data! #socbiz #ibmsocialbiz #bigdata #socialbusiness

I love the concept of systems of engagement and systems of record. These systems of engagement have a need for a diverse range of information from traditional systems of record to new sources such as social media, machine data and enterprise content.

 systems of engagement and record

How does Big Data enable this shift?

The new era of computing is built on a foundation of big data, where:

  • All data is harnessed for its full potential to power new insights, policies and actions across the organization – both internally and externally.

Analytics helps you understand and anticipate, giving you the conviction to act

  • Descriptive data describes ‘who” the customer is and typically refers to information such as age, billing address, preferred contact method etc, and often use geo-demographic information as well
  • Behavioral data describes what a customer has acquired and refers to the raw transactions that the customer executes including orders, payments, usage etc, and how they use products and services. This also includes Sensor data from instrumented devices and systems, for example, your cellphone.
  • Interaction data describes “how” the customer interacts through all the touch points including email, chat and the notes from contact centers – this typically includes a high proportion of unstructured data (enterprise content)
  • Attitudinal data describes how customers think and feel – gives insight into the “Why” (i.e. motivation) – social media is a rich source of attitudinal data along with other sources such as surveys

big data and engagement

To turn the mass of global conversations in social media into Useable Insights can improve results in marketing, sales, customer care, product development, and more

Smarter Workforce Uses Resume 2.0 #socbiz #smarterworkforce

A smarter workforce looks for Resume 2.0! 

A company that demands a smarter workforce uses great techniques to acquire the best skill. Using innovative techniques to find the right people for the right roles, assessing culture fit before investing and offering compensation plans that motivate and build loyalty as well as the overall brand are attributes of this type of company.


Anyone who wants to work for a top company needs to work on their Resume – but Resume 2.064% of employers are logging onto social networks to examine profiles of candidates. 

So what does a Resume 2.0 look like?  What should you think through? 

  1. Professional-ize your image (your picture and working)
  2. Secure
  3. Make your e-mail
  4. Ensure your paper resume links to web — mixed mode works best!
  5. Develop your own personal brand document to ensure all you do online fits that brand!
  6. Add a Twitter widget to bring freshness
  7. Add a Podcast on your capabitilities
  8. Video cast as video is the most trusted media
  9. Slideshow of your character and experience
  • One of candidates sent me “The Brand of Jia” as her resume.  It was amazing!

What else would you recommend if you are hiring people?   What’s your best practice?

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