BIZTECHBUZZ in the world of social, cognitive, IoT and startups

Author: sandraanncarter (Page 55 of 137)

Bluemix Girls' Night Out! Encourage and Empower Us Geeks!

Women in the workforce today face a number of challenges and pressures that make their experience unique. For women working in IT, that includes being outnumbered almost 3 to 1. And yet, the IT industry and computer related roles offer many of the benefits and flexibility that women seek.


According to recent statistics, women hold 51% of positions in the workforce today, but only about 26% of positions in IT. Since 1985 the number of women receiving degrees in computer science has fallen from 37% to 18%.

As a woman, this is particularly frustrating, as the IT industry and IBM have provided me with a number of opportunities for success and development that are not available elsewhere. And there are so many other women who have been able to achieve success as well.

And with the advances in cloud, mobile and social, many of the barriers to create our own opportunities are being removed. Women are playing pivotal roles in startups as leaders, developers and decision makers.

With this in mind, IBM has developed our Bluemix Girls’ Night Out events. These events offer women opportunities for career mentoring and include a focus on enabling them on best practices for cloud-based development using PaaS such as IBM’s Bluemix platform.

Girls’ Night Out is meant to give women of all levels of experience and knowledge a place to come together to support each other, and help spur creativity and community. We are looking to partner with other local organizations to help host and execute them.

And in NYC, we are hosting a Bluemix Girls’ Night Out partnering with Digital.NYC to bring this program to their members on October 22, at our facilities at 590 Madison Avenue.

Our goal is to help foster the next generation of women developers, leaders and entrepreneurs, Because our industry needs the talent and ideas to spur the next generation of technology to advance and change our business and lives.

And we have already seen the impact that these types of events can have. When you bring a group of talented women together, and empower them with support and knowledge the impact is almost immediate. And it only strengthens the communities, businesses and teams which they are a part of.

If you are interested in hosting, partnering or participating in one of these events, please let us know. We look forward to meeting the next generation of leaders, innovators and developers.



IBM and Xamarin: Value for the Mobile Developer Ecosystem

I just love it when we  can help developer with their Mobile Development!

What was announced!
Today,  Xamarin is announcing a partnership with IBM that expands Xamarin’s enterprise mobile developer ecosystem by simplifying the development of native mobile apps for iOS, Android and Windows devices to easily connect to enterprise data and systems through the IBM MobileFirst Platform. More than 750,000 developers use Xamarin to accelerate native app development for multiple platforms; with IBM’s backend capabilities now those developers will have enterprise grade scale, security and management at their fingertips.

This collaboration will expand IBM’s reach to C# and .NET developer communities.  This will help close the skills gap for software application developers by giving them the tools to quickly develop mobile apps.  With this collaboration, 6 million+ C# and  .NET developers will now have the tools at their fingertips to create both engaging user experiences and deliver secure mobile apps with speed and at enterprise scale.

The Facts:
According to Gartner, 70% of the mobile workforce will have a smartphone by 2016 and 90% of enterprises will have two or more device platforms to support. That’s why it is so important for a mobile app solution to be able to scale!

Consider the challenge for today’s developer; they have to meet the ever-increasing demand for secure, connected and sophisticated mobile apps. The relationship with Xamarin expands IBM’s support for first class native development that allows millions of developers to focus more on innovation and driving business value through mobile!

This is GREAT for Developers!
Users in every category have an ever-expanding need to consume and contribute data via mobile devices.  Enterprises must build and manage high-performance apps with a device-optimized user experience that securely integrates into the enterprise environment.   The companies have created an enterprise mobile solution for C# developers that combines Xamarin’s fully native mobile development platform for iOS, Android and Windows Phone with the IBM Worklight platform for highly secure cloud-based data services.

The IBM MobileFirst Platform SDK and IBM MobileFirst Platform studio add-ons are available immediately at for the thousands of partners and millions of developers in the combined ecosystems of Xamarin and IBM.

Here’s what Nat Friedman, CEO and co-founder of Xamarin, had to say:

“Together, Xamarin and IBM are creating an end-to-end foundation for developers to more effectively mobilize mission-critical enterprise data in their apps. The combined Xamarin and IBM solution gives millions of app developers a powerful enterprise mobile opportunity they have never had before.”


I couldn’t agree more! Xamarin and IBM developers will now have the tools to create engaging user experiences and deliver secure mobile apps with speed at enterprise scale!

To find out more about Xamarin, and to download the IBM MobileFirst Platform SDK and IBM MobileFirst Platform studio add-ons, go to

The Watson Ecosystem Expansion on Bluemix and in multi Industries!

We (IBM) announced 7 new Watson API services available on BlueMix, enabling developers to use a wide variety of Watson capabilities. The first wave of Watson-powered apps is debuting in industries such as travel, retail, healthcare, and more. One example is a new company launched by Terry Jones, founder of Travelocity and, aimed at reinventing the travel experience with Watson.

Transforming Travel

WayBlazer (Austin, TX), a new company led by travel visionary and entrepreneur Terry Jones — founder of Travelocity and founding chairman of, is looking to redefine the travel experience. Researching travel alternatives can be a near impossible chore. Even for travelers that know their destination and dates, the sheer breadth of options and overwhelming amount of data requires visiting 20 or more website to research, compare, and book a leisure holiday. Powered by the cognitive intellect of Watson, WayBlazer knows, engages, advises, and learns about a consumer with each interaction, using a visual and natural language interface to make sure optimal travel choices are made. The Austin Convention & Visitors Bureau (ACVB) is using a version of the new WayBlazer app. With the app, the organization hopes to improve convention bookings, increase hotel bookings and provide additional revenue streams from Ecosystem Partner and affiliate marketing opportunities. Watch WayBlazer “Unbox” their app here.

Transforming Retail

Red Ant (London, UK) is helping retailers, including Three, a UK-based mobile company, ensure sales associates exceed customers’ expectations with its Sell Smart app built using Watson’s cognitive computing technology. The mobile app is a retail sales trainer that lets employees easily identify individual customers’ buying preferences by analyzing demographics, purchase history and wish lists, as well as product information, local pricing, customer reviews and tech specs. It uses voice or text input to enable a simple question-and-answer interface against the wealth of information available within a retail business, including product information, copybooks, manuals, customer reviews, and more. Red Ant is a Watson Mobile Developer Challenge winner.

Reflexis (Dedham, MA) is working with Watson to enable retailers, Quick Serve Restaurants, hospitality, and other companies to uncover hidden demand triggers and provide the best possible customer experience. The company’s Watson interconnect module for the Reflexis StorePulse real-time execution application enables companies to drive best-practice actions in response to local events, social media buzz, news, weather, and other influences that affect customer demand. . Watch Reflexis “Unbox” their app here.

Sellpoints (Emeryville, CA), an e-commerce technology provider, is unveiling its Watson powered app called Natural Selection, which uses natural language to put the right products in front of the right shoppers at the exact moment they’re ready to buy. For example, when a shopper searches for a product using natural language, such as “My second grader needs help learning science basics,” the cognitive app returns product results sorted by relevance, which subsequently increases conversion rates for the retailer.

Transforming Non-Profit

Findability Sciences (Waltham, MA) is bringing a Watson app to the non-profit sector to enable funders and donors to ask questions using natural language and receive answers instantaneously. This enables funders to make smarter investing decisions and better work to maximize existing investments to deliver the most impact. Watch Findability Sciences “Unbox” their app here.

Transforming Veterinary Care

LifeLearn (Guelph, Canada) is changing the way veterinarians practice medicine by empowering them with the new LifeLearn Sofie™ mobile app, which helps doctors research different treatment options for animals. LifeLearn’s beta client Animal Medical Center in New York is just one of the leading industry partners using LifeLearn Sofie™ to help improve patient outcomes. The Sofie app, built from scratch with Watson, crowdsources the expertise from the entire profession by analyzing data from text books, knowledge from doctors and teaching hospitals, and uses natural language Q&A to provide veterinarians immediate possibilities that equate to third and fourth professional opinions.  Watch LifeLearn “Unbox” their app here.

Transforming Healthcare

GenieMD (Pleasanton, CA) is using Watson’s cognitive intellect and data analysis to understand an individual’s personal health profile and asks Watson questions for the user so they don’t have to in times of concern. For example, the GenieMD mobile app analyzes a persons profile and sends push notifications to the user with information on how to manage their diabetes or how to prevent hypertension. GenieMD is a Watson Mobile Developer Challenge winner.

Welltok (Denver, CO) is calling upon Watson’s unique ability to process massive volumes of health data and content within seconds. Building on Welltok’s health optimization platform, CaféWell Concierge dialogues with consumers and provides dynamic, personalized guidance to optimize their health. Watch Welltok “Unbox” their app here.

@Point of Care (Livingston, NJ), a service provider for the health care industry, is using Watson to help physicians support patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The physician-facing mobile app is helping the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America enable MS patients to better track and manage their symptoms easily from any device and will be rolled out across @Point of Care’s 15 other therapeutic areas.

Transforming Information IT

SparkCognition (Dallas, TX), the first cognitive security analytics company, has created a Cognitive Security Insights (CSI) app with Watson to process data to deliver advanced cyber threat defense. Unlike existing security solutions, the Watson powered CSI app thinks like a security expert and can help stop threats for an enterprise. Client ExamSoft, and early adopter, is currently using CSI to reduce the costs associated with false positives, incorporate automated learning systems in the organization that retain critical knowledge, and enable intelligent detection and remediation that can keep up with a rapidly growing number of threats.

CHIPS Technology Group (Syosset, NY), an IT help desk provider for small-to-mid-sized businesses, is using Watson to help their engineers revolutionize the way IT support service is delivered. Watson enables CHIPS engineers to quickly source and provide clients like IT Solutions, Inc. with a high level of customer service, whether working with a mainstream or proprietary app. By rapidly processing an extensive collection of disparate resources, including articles, white papers and manuals, Watson delivers the right tech support response to end users on the first try.

This announcement reinforces IBM’s strategy to fuel an ecosystem of innovators that are helping make cognitive computing the new standard of computing.

Helping Developers Create a New Class of Cognitive Apps

We also extended the reach of cognitive computing by introducing new cognitive services that will be available on IBM Bluemix,   As you know, Bluemix runs on SoftLayer, IBM’s global cloud infrastructure. Now with little to no barrier to entry to cognitive tools, Bluemix users can access an evolving set of APIs and content to build apps, powered by Watson, that help accelerate, enhance, and scale human expertise for confident decision making.

The new services available through Bluemix include:

  • User Modeling: Uses linguistic analytics to extract a set of personality and social traits from the way a person communicates. The service can analyze any public communication the user makes available such as their text messages, tweets, posts, email, and more. Users of the service can understand, connect, and communicate with people on a more personally tailored level by analyzing personality and social traits.
  • Machine Translation: Converts text input in one language into a destination language for the end user. Translation is available among English, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish and French.
  • Language Identification: detects the language in which text is written. This helps inform next steps such as translation, voice to text, or direct analysis. Today, the service can identify 15 languages.
  • Concept Expansion: Analyses text and interprets its meaning based on usage in other similar contexts. For example, it could interpret “The Big Apple” as meaning “New York City.” It can be used to create a dictionary of related words and concepts so that euphemisms, colloquialisms, or otherwise unclear phrases can be better understood and analyzed.
  • Message Resonance: Analyzes draft content and scores how well it is likely to be received by a specific target audience. Today, analysis can be done against people active in cloud computing or big data discussions but future versions will let users provide their own community data.
  • Relationship Extraction: Parses sentences into their various components and detects relationships between the components. The service maps the relationships between the components so that users or analytics engines can more easily understand the meaning of individual sentences and documents.
  • Question & Answer: Interprets and answers user questions directly based on primary data sources that have been selected and gathered into a body of data or “corpus.” The service returns candidate responses with associated confidence levels and links to supporting evidence. The current data corpora on Bluemix focus on the Travel and Healthcare industries.
  • Visualization Rendering: Takes input data and graphically renders it as an interactive visualization that can range from a common business chart to more advanced layouts. The visualizations can be easily modified to match user needs, visual styling, and types of data being analyzed.

Wharton and IBM Announce a First of a Kind Exec Program for CMO and CCOs!


Did you see the CMO announcement from IBM and Wharton?   Wharton Executive Ed and IBM announced the launch of a first-of-its-kind executive program to help Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) and Chief Customer Officers (CCOs) prepare for and capitalize on the current explosion of customer data.

The course is 2 weeks long and is titled “The CMO Advantage: Evolving Beyond the Digital Revolution.”  It will explore the increasing importance of the CMO in leading customer engagement innovations in the C-Suite.

What does the course look like?

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the transformative impact of the connected consumer on enterprise value propositions and marketing practices;
  • Enhance the role and influence of the CMO and Chief Customer Officer in the C-suite, including rallying and orchestrating the wider organization to align in support of the brand promise;
  • Achieve personal transformation and challenge mental models by applying lessons through live simulations and rapid feedback;
  • Improve the performance of the marketing organization, including nimble organizational design, marketing return measurement, partner ecosystems, and winning the talent war; and
    Join a collaborative network of executive peers for continuous learning.

I believe strongly that the CMO needs to have credibility and authority to influence customer interactions across the organization, not just within the marketing department.

But our facts show something different — the IBM Global CMO Study of more than 500 CMOs around the world showed that 82% of CMOs say their organizations are underprepared to capitalize with advanced analytics on the explosion of customer data.

Since most CMOs believe the complexity of data-driven marketing will accelerate over the next five years, less than half feel prepared for that (and, their confidence is eroding … 70% reportedly felt they were prepared just three years earlier).

Clearly, the time to develop the acumen required to harvest insights and apply them to reinventing brand engagement is now!

As you finish up homework — loved these points! What **really** matters!

Last night I was reading an article on “Harvard and kids” …. and it focused on what’s really important that we teach our kids.

What does this have to do with social?

Well, read below and you will see that being a person focused on relationships and others is what really matters — just as it does in social media!   What are you teaching your kids?


  • Does your child have a healthy dose of intellectual curiosity?
  • Is your child resourceful and independent?
  • Is your child happy with who she is?
  • Can your child creatively problem-solve?
  • Is your child passionate about anything?
  • Can your child sit with himself and enjoy his own company?

“By embracing what makes THEM happy, and by seeing them as the creative beings that they are, we can stop competing with each other, and they can enjoy, flourish and even love this one life they have.”


Join me on Oct 6, 2pm ET for #IBMDigitalNYC Tweetchat!

We launched the Digital.NYC platform on October 1 with City of New York Mayor Bill De Blasio. As he pointed out, we made history that day: bringing the ultimate resource to the city with the fastest growing startup scene in the US!


I will be holding a #IBMDigitalNYC tweetchat on Monday October 6 at 2pm – 3pm ET to discuss questions such as:

Why/how does IBM partner with the startup community?
How will Digital.NYC continue to evolve with New York?
What is the plan to roll this out to other cities?

Come armed with your own questions and comments to this open discussion!

Register now to receive a reminder or add this to your calendar – I look forward to hearing from you on Monday on #IBMDigitalNYC!

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