BIZTECHBUZZ in the world of social, cognitive, IoT and startups

Author: sandraanncarter (Page 43 of 137)

Places to eat in Austin, SXSW-style!

Many of you know that I’m always bragging about my Texas heritage. Can’t help it! Texas is a great place! And when SXSW is in full-swing, it’s a great time to soak up all that is Austin!

Just like last year, Chef Watson will be active at SXSW. We have a Chef Watson session in the making at the historic Driskill Hotel this year. You can check it out on the SXSW website -> Bring your recipe ideas!

There are so many things to love about Austin, but I must admit, my favorite thing about Austin is the food! So, in spirit of Chef Watson coming back to SXSW, I’ve comprised a list of Austin foodie places! Get ready for some great food!

We gotta start with Mexican food!

  • el Alma (
  • Mama V’s Quezzadillaville (
  • Licha’s Cantina (

BBQ, anyone! Yes!

  • Black’s in Austin (
  • Micklethwait (
  • la Barbeque (

Then there’s Southern and Southwestern style!

  • Fixe – Austin’s Southern House (
  • Olamaie (
  • Chavez (

Asian food is sooo delicious!

  • Ramen Tatsu-Ya (
  • Koriente (
  • East Side King (
  • Sway (

And last, but not least, FOOD TRUCKS!

  • Peached Tortilla (
  • Be More Pacific (
  • Chi’lantro BBQ (

#SXSW – IBM Day at the Radisson: It’s all about the entrepreneurs!

What to learn more about Watson?   Come to our IBM Day at the Radisson!

We’ve got great sessions dedicated to CAMSS and IoT focused on developers and entrepreneurs. The session on the Startup Go-to-Market Guide will help entrepreneurs learn how to plan your go-to-market strategy and leverage the right partnerships to your advantage.

Likewise, the session on Innovating Development of Cloud, Mobile, and Social will help entrepreneurs and startups understand how new approaches to development and new APIs and capabilities could radically change product/app definition, design, development and deployment for themselves and their clients. Bluemix will be showcased, as well as embedding Watson services and content through cloud-based APIs.

Click on the links to add them to your SXSW schedule!

As you can see, there’s a ton of great stuff to hear and learn about on Watson and Bluemix, plus plenty of time for questions and networking after each session!

I look forward to seeing you there!

IBM @ SXSW: Geek Girls, #Selfies, Supercomputer chefs, and more!

I’m an Austin gal at heart, so there’s hardly a more exciting time of year for me than SXSW! Once again, IBM will have a huge presence at SXSW Interactive, so I just can’t wait to see my passion for the city of Austin meet my passion for the work we do at IBM!

There will be so many great sessions and events to experience, but I want to give you a taste of a few that I’m really excited about! I hope you’ll check these out and add them to your SXSW schedule! See you in Austin!

Friday, March 13

Social Media Today Breakfast (
8:30AM – 10:30AM
Join me for breakfast and discussion about how people and technology are transforming businesses. We’ll discuss the new way to work. Request your invitation here:

Decoding Gender Diversity in Tech (
3:30PM – 4:30PM
The shortage of women in tech is no secret. The industry has fewer female executives and founders than almost any other. Why the disparity? Learn more about the issue and how companies can fix the gap, with thoughts from Alexa Scordato of Stack Exchange, Carolina Huaranca of Girls Who Chode, Darrell Silver of Thinkful, and Savannah Peterson of Shapeways Inc.

Saturday, March 14

Can anyone really trust user generated content?(
12:30PM – 1:30PM
In this session, Gene Austin, CEO of Bazaarvoice, discusses the dark side of social media, along with the impact of inauthentic behavior on businesses and consumers, and what each of us can do to create a web worthy of our trust.

City 2.0: Why Local Gov. Bets on Civic Innovation (
3:30PM – 4:30PM
Rapid technological advances, explosive urban growth, and changing economic dynamics are presenting a host of new challenges for U.S. cities. In order to stay competitive, urban leaders are re-envisioning how to run their cities, from meeting the basic needs of constituents to tackling complex urban challenges. Hear from Jessica Singleton, Digital Director from the Office of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, as well as leaders from Chicago, Boston, and San Francisco to see how cities across the US are tackling these challenges.

Sunday, March 15

Geek Girls are Chic! 5 Career Hacks (
11:00AM – 12:00PM
Join Elizabeth Caudle, Director of Girls Who Code, and me as we discuss why women in tech matter, how innovation will benefit, and how to foster an interest in tech. Learn why women need to take risks and embrace failure to give them the courage to crash through the glass ceiling or start a new business!

*Following this session, I’ll be available for book signing on 4th floor of Austin Convention Center in SXSW Bookstore at 12:00PM. Come by, get a book and say “Hi!”

Anatomy of #Selfies That Sell
11:00AM – 12:00PM
Join Pau Sabria, CEO of Olapic, and Chris Haines, Director of Strategy for Fluid, for an insights-packed discussion of the visual commerce landscape, including new data about consumer appetite for visual commerce, the Top 10 best converting photos of 2014, the most innovative and successful brands and retailers in visual commerce, and how to plan your approach to integrating customer photos.

Monday, March 16

How Chef Watson Changed the Way We Prepare Food (
9:30AM – 10:30AM
Learn how Chef Watson has changed the way we interact with and prepare food and allows us to make new discoveries. Dawn Perry, Senior Food Editor for Bon Appetit, will be on hand to help us explore this concept in the context of design, implications for the mass market and professionals, and how it impacts how we prepare food in our homes.

These are just a few of the great sessions going on at SXSW, so I encourage you to check out the schedule and find the topics that excite you. Also, make sure you don’t miss IBM’s full day of sessions at the Radisson on Monday, March 16. There’s a new way to work and it’s made with IBM—join us to learn more!





SXSW! Geek Girls Are Chic with Girls Who Code! Five Career Hacks on Sunday at 11AM CST!

Come on Sunday to see Geek Girls are Chic:  5 Career Hacks!  We’ll be in Ballroom A at the Austin Convention Center on Sunday, March 15th. Our session begins at 11:00AM Central. Visit this link to add our session to your SXSW schedule!

Geek Girls Are Chic

I’m so thrilled that I am sharing the stage during a SXSW featured session with one of my favorite organizations:

  • Girls Who Code! Joining me will be Elizabeth Caudle, Director for Girls Who Code. Elizabeth’s background is rich in STEM-type roles where she has been a supporter and leader of organizations dedicated to advancing educational opportunities around the globe!

During our session, Elizabeth and I will discuss women’s participation in tech-related fields, why there are fewer women graduating with a technical degree, and why women are not rising in the tech ranks or startup businesses. We’ll tackle these issues, as well as discuss how the tech industry can benefit from innovations from women. We’ll discuss why more women need to take risks and embrace failure and build the courage the shatter the glass ceiling! We’ll also share with you 5 career hacks that can help you strategize your approach to grow your career!

Here’s a taste of what we’ll share with you:

  • Doing your homework is a MOOC point
  • Be an Open API
  • Define your “ALL”

Watch my short video to get a taste of my session with Girls Who Code!

And after the session, be sure to join me at the SXSW Bookstore where I’ll be signing copies of my books. Come by, say “Hi!” and share your ideas with me! I promise, it’ll be a lively debate!

cover geek girls

Whether you are a woman or man, parent or business owner, this is a must-see session!

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