BIZTECHBUZZ in the world of social, cognitive, IoT and startups

Author: sandraanncarter (Page 39 of 137)

No Fear Friday – Take that Risk!!!

Our short and sassy Friday message is … take that Risk!

There’s no success without risk.   Everything good has some risk associated with it.  This does not mean you don’t look and evaluate reasons you might have challenges or even small failures along the way, but plan your journey with clear goals.

Make sure you are flexible in how you solve the minimal and big challenges along the way.   Don’t let them derail your overall ambitions!

Learn, learn, learn!!!   Each of these mistakes help you to learn.

I love Barbara Corcoran’s quote:  “Failure is what I’m best at.”   Of course, she is wildly successful because she learned from her failures!

3 Internet of Things "Items" you need to know!

The cloud has allowed the IoT to emerge.  What is the IoT?   It is a term that describes the growing network of objects that can communicate with each other and complete tasks without any human involvement having to take place.  In November 2014, Gartner stated that there will be 4.9 billion connected “things” in use by the end of 2015,  Wow!

With all these connected devices, connectivity will be the biggest part of it.   5G is being called the smartest network ever and is required for IoT to be successful.

All of us will need to know about the IoT!  Here’s 3 items that are in all the IoT space! 

Internet of Everything.   ABI Research summed it up well by explaining that the IoE has three subsystems: IoT, the Internet of Humans (human input to machines in any form) and the Internet of Digital (generating data and communicating it on for further use).

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation with the intention of promoting the teaching of basic computer science in schools.

MQTT.   In order to allow IoT data to flow from producers (sensors on the field) to consumers (IT backends, web apps, etc.), MQTT is an OASIS standard that implements a publish-subscribe communication model. It has several QoS levels making it easy to find the perfect tradeoff between reliability and resources/bandwidth usage.




What I learned from my Mom!

Today is my Mom’s birthday.    I don’t get to live close anymore, but we do talk daily.    As I was chatting with a friend who recently lost her mom, she reminded me to cherish each moment so I decided to write the Top 7 Things I love about my mom!


  1. Gives without expecting anything in return.    My mom is the most giving person I know.  Of course to her children, but to all.  She extends herself without expecting anything in return.
  2. Leads by example.  Whether she is gardening, or doing Tax Returns,  my mom leads by example.  She never asks anyone to do anything that she isn’t willing to do herself.
  3. Chooses Attitude over circumstances.   One of the things my mom taught me is that you sometimes cannot change your circumstances, but your attitude you have control over.   Make sure you keep your attitude in check, and don’t let those circumstances control you!
  4. Exudes “Smart.”  My mom was valedictorian in High School but could not afford to go to college.  Yet, she still used her incredible intelligence to be so successful in life.   She is not just book smart, but life smart.
  5. Grows in faithfulness.   My mom is faithful in her faith and God.  She has a gentle and trusting spirit.
  6. Shares Encouragement.   I cannot remember a time when my mom didn’t encourage her friends, family, and even pets.   She is a natural encourager — go Mom Go!
  7. Exemplifies Love.   My mom loves unconditionally.   Her love is soft and gentle yet strong.

I know that Mother’s day is upcoming as well and I cannot be more thankful for the beautiful woman who is my mom.

She has taught me how to be a good mom and leader!

Celebrate your mom today!







Top 5 Personal Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs!

I was reading a few articles on entrepreneurship and the secrets of success of the entrepreneur themselves, vs just the company. Here’s the Top 5 Personal habits that I found in common across all the articles in both first time entrepreneurs and serial entrepreneurs as well!

  1. Prioritize!   81% of the top entrepreneurs (value of $3.2M or greater and successful exit) make one the night before for those priorities that are most important.
  2. The Early Riser!   44% get up and going an average of 3 hours before they officially start “work”
  3. Get Help!    77% of those who are successful have an adviser!
  4. Networked Connectors.    79% network 5 or more hours a month.
  5. Return that call.    86% return all their calls in the same week they were received.

Some great habits here that I will adopt as well !!!

BlueMix Winners from the NASA Challenge!

During the NASA challenge, we named IBM BlueMix most Innovative solutions.    For the most innovative use of IBM Bluemix per City participating they received $12K of Cloud credit and if the winning team is a qualified startup, they will be granted up to $120K of Cloud credit in addition to up to 80 hours of technical support and assistance over 6 months by an senior IBM Bluemix developer.

Judging criteria
•    Application originality and uniqueness: 25%
•    Usage of Bluemix services and runtimes: 25%
•    Solution completeness: 25%
•    Business value: 25%

Drum roll please .. and the winners are:

Boston: Asteroid Heroes
Alex Huang, Korina Ysabel, and Mohib Hassan
They developed a solution to help classify asteroids.  Today this is a manual process requiring hundreds of hours from volunteers.  This solution provides an automated mechanism using pattern recognition on existing photometric data and then displays the results visually in a graph.  It should save countless hours of manual drudge work.  Used the Node.js runtime on Bluemix.

Carmel: Launch Window
Mr Jarvis works for Software Engineering Professionals service organization providing market research, software developers and operations professionals to clients.  His solution used the Ruby Sinatra runtime and the Mongodb service to provide a website hosting video (the SpaceX CRS-6 rocket launch from Nasa Public videos)) and a social media response mechanism to allow comments.

Glasgow- Tie! Two Winners: Icarus and Lost in Space
1.  Icarus (Javier Herrera) used the Python runtime to deploy a website that allows you to find the International Space Station from whatever location you choose, giving you the direction and inclination in the sky to find the station.

2.  Lost in Space  (Jamie Stevenson, student) also addressed the International Space Station.  They used the Ruby on Rails runtime with a PostgreSQL plug-in to get the Nasa data and returning a visual representation of the ISS orbiting the earth, allowing you to find and get more information on the various station modules.

Irvine: Water Matters
Quan Chau
Used the Node.js runtime and the MongoLab service to analyze data to help track water usage and drought conditions on the planet.

Instanbul: NTD – Natural Threat Determiners
Eray Hangul used the PHP runtime and the mysql service to display a catalog of earth hazards which you can view by type (atmosphere, land, etc) and date.

La Paz: Fanatic Code
Amilkar Shegrid Contreras Castro used the node.js runtime to display set of asteroids orbiting the sun at a distance that makes them a threat to earth.  If you move your mouse over an asteroid, you get details on the asteroid (name, orbital radius, period, etc) and comets that

London- Tie! Two Winners: Space Watch and The Great British Space Race
Space Watch used the Node.js runtime, MQ Light, Mobile Application Security and the Android SDK to deploy a mobile app that allows a user to find objects in the night sky.

The Great British Space Race used the Node.js runtime and wanted to use Cloudant to persist their data, but ran out of time.  Their solution allows you to compare your travel time to the speed of the New Horizons probe currently en route to Pluto (the fastest spacecraft ever launched from earth).

Madrid: Kepler Quest
Carlos Hayek used Node.js runtime, Push service and the sql database to create a game (similar to flappy birds) where you attempt to keep your spacecraft from running into various stellar objects.

Nairobi: eyeSpace
Nicolas Kisundu connected to a cloud hosting service which contained images and audio recordings and then used mysql and twilio services to do some twitter analysis and display all this on the screen.

New York City: FirstHand
Jesse Lee wrote a solution was using the Node.js runtime and the Node-RED service to gather sensor data from a special glove and its android controller.  They hope to expand their use of Bluemix to utilize some of our analytics services in the future.

Noordwijk: Load Interactive
Davide Ricardo, Joao Abrantes, Gil Filipe, Florian Olivera
Used the Node.js runtime, android sdk, watson speech to text personality insights, and the PHP runtime to analyze speech patterns of streamed nasa content (astronauts, launches, etc).

Pasadena: CatSat
Brian Cottrell created a game using the gamification service where you take a satellite view of the earth and identify and discover natural events as they occur in your field of view.

Sao Paulo: Maintaining Life in Space With The Most Important Ogranism Based on a Story From Rivers and Oceans
no details, on-site mentors awarded prize

And finally our Virtual Winner:
Kelana Jaya (Malaysia): canyousee created a game using the Node.js runtime, redis and mongolab to allow users to practice spotting special events (wildfires, volcanoes, etc) so they can then analyze real time feeds from NASA!

3 Surprises from Millennials on the Purchase Process

I love working with Millennials as well as understanding their purchasing habits.

From IBM’s Institute of Business Value’s study on Millennials, I had 3 Aha moments about how they like to purchase!

  • The world’s gone social!  Millennials meet with vendors face-to-face during the sales cycle, but they would much rather interact remotely during this initial phase
  • In God we trust, all others bring data.   Millennials place equal weight on data analysis and the opinion of family and friends when deciding whether or not to make a B2B purchase costing US$10,000 or more


  • Millennials are eager to share positive experiences, but very reluctant to share disappointments

These 3 ahas, tell me that in order to meet their needs, we need to:

  • Be social in the sales cycle !  Since this social network scene makes the most sense to millennials, consider setting up an internal private social site to gain more input, and answer questions.
  • Share data and analytics to assist in the progression!   Since millennials want the data, share it!   Do your homework to make it valuable but don’t forget the “word of mouth” as well.
  • Make it easy to shout it from the mountain tops!   Since this new generation likes to share positive experiences, make it easy for them to do so.  This enables them to become your brand ambassadors!

















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