Love this from the recent InformationWeek article! It was the topic of 3 of my Canadian discussions today with clients !
Businesses see the value of social networks, but not every employee does. Here are some tips for getting people on board.
1. Perform A Social Assessment. What do your employees know right now? A client today told me that his team was at a Kindergarten level. So start there!
2. Set Clear Expectations. Can employees speak on behalf of their company? Can they set up an internal community on fun stuff like soccer? Make sure all know the rules!
3. Put Expectations In Writing. We at IBM have a set of guidelines. It helps to guide and set expectations!
4. Provide Training. At IBM we provide intense training for our BPs and employees. Skills are very important to success.
5. Culture Eats Strategy For Lunch — so get buyin from the top!
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