Some fun Social Business facts!
Did you know that IBM has a social intelligence office who’s sole mission is to do monitoring?
We have organized our social intelligence system into three parts: 1) Social Research 2) Real Time Monitoring and Engagement 3) Social Relationship Management.
Our Social Intelligence Office launched October 2011, with 2000+SWG SME and 400+ IBM champions trained in social business intelligence is online 24/7. Social intelligence is about understanding and combining Social Networking with Business Intelligence. It is this combination that allows the true understanding of what the consumer thinks about their brand, and the competitive nature of discussions.
The goal is to make sure we listen and learn from our clients and influencers. Since Social enables large streams of consciousness, people willingly share their thoughts and views. Social media and the real-time web intelligence, affords for the acquisition of unprompted and more ‘honest’ and ‘real’ mentions. The scale of research is no longer restricted to a sample set that is defined by the limits of human capacity to gather and collate information
Also, IBM is not the only one! UK intelligence agency launchedcode-cracking competition on Web & social networks to attract new talent in Social Intelligence.
WebFluenz gave this example of why a company should have a Social Intelligence group! A car company had a surprisingly large number of cancellations which spiraled the company into fixing everything in their sales. Later, it was unraveled that there were a bunch of bloggers who had blogged about their disappointing after-sales service. If the company was online and was monitoring negative comments, they could have addressed these issues before they became viral and caused such colossal damages!
Do you have a Social Intelligence Center?
Hi Sandy,
We appreciate our mention in your post and wish to congratulate you on your social intelligence office. It is exciting to see the number of businesses embracing and capitalising on social intelligence to improve their functioning. We wish you all the best!