Being just in Germany, I had read that Germany was not yet ready for Social Business. But studying the facts, and seeing the number of German companies already adoption social at great rates, like Bayer, Sennheiser, and more I think that Germany maybe behind in Social adoption for personal reasons but not in business. A recent report for Dell from Trendstream showed that 70% of German businesses are using social media for business purposes and 40% for customer acquisition
In the chart below from the Global Web Index, we see that Germany is the second country in its use of Social to research products and find new products to buy.
Hi, I partly agree to your Statements. We have a lot of companies doing pretty well, like BASF, Lufthansa, BMW, Daimler, Adidas, ….. or smaller corps like Ritter Sport, Krones, Westfley, Schott, …………
But the Mainstream seams to be still in the stage of “exploring & testing” Social Media” searching for solutions matching business goals and processes.
The best overview on the state of Social Media in Germany gives our latest survey realized togehter with Univerity of Leipzig
Yours Stephan Fink