BIZTECHBUZZ in the world of social, cognitive, IoT and startups

Category: Smarter Workforce (Page 2 of 2)

Social Business Tip of the Day: Sentiment Matters! #socialbiz #ibmsocialbiz #ibmconnect

What is Sentiment?  Per the Free Online Dictionary, Sentiment is the measurement of  thought, view, or attitude, especially one based mainly on emotion instead of reason.   So really, a view on whether someone is positive or negative about a company, brand, or idea that is in the blogosphere.

Sentiment is the way that people view what you are doing either positively or negatively.   A Social Business needs to be able to analyze sentiment and filter by concepts, hot words and media sets to have a complete comparative analysis by comparing positive, negative, neutral, or ambivalent sentiment.

Sentiment Analysis helps a Social Business make evidence-based messaging decisions with analysis into consumer and stakeholder sentiment.   It adds value in assessing  precision trends and changes in perception of your corporate reputation and reaction to campaigns.

In addition, it can help you identify and target new channels to drive greater advocacy of your products and services with key influencers based on an analysis of sentiment   For example, the effectiveness of your campaigns’ messages and their impact on consumers’ purchasing decisions as well as the resonance and believability of their promise is valuable information.

Social Business Tip: Social Infinity and beyond! #socbiz #ibmsocialbiz #ibmconnect #sxsw

To infinity and beyond!    Since I was a math minor in college and so I saw the Infinity sign in my daily tasks and fell in love with it!  Infinity is the unlimited extent of time, space, or quantity, or in plain English …. boundlessness.

Just on a POP note!   Today it is one of the most popular necklaces because it represents endlessness … (just ask my daughter who walked me through 4 cities looking for an infinity sign necklace that was in stock — they are hard to find!)  I am sure New Dimension has a lot to do with that!!!

Social Infinity:  But in Social, it is money for your business because it represents the endless cycle of engagement with clients, and the knitting together of the employee and the client!  The engaged employee is key.

Engaged employees are those who know the company’s values and are empowered to leverage those values with their partners and clients. They know their role and understand how to reach out to the right expert. These new social employee are about commitment and success.

An engaged employee yields an engaged Client! 

This Engaged client is one who is attentive, interested, and active in their support for your brand, product, or company. The depth of their conversations online showcases their knowledge and care. They recommend and passionately advocate on your behalf in the blogosphere — they become loyal Brand Ambassadors — speaking on your behalf!

A brand ambassador is a person who is passionate about your brand and references you as a normal course of business usually done socially!   And that makes you as a company a more desirable company!   Becoming an infinite loop of success and money!!!


Addendum:  The funny thing is I wrote this before my call with Janet Powers from the Women’s Tool Box!  And she had the exact same thoughts!!

womens toolbox

Smarter Workforce Uses Resume 2.0 #socbiz #smarterworkforce

A smarter workforce looks for Resume 2.0! 

A company that demands a smarter workforce uses great techniques to acquire the best skill. Using innovative techniques to find the right people for the right roles, assessing culture fit before investing and offering compensation plans that motivate and build loyalty as well as the overall brand are attributes of this type of company.


Anyone who wants to work for a top company needs to work on their Resume – but Resume 2.064% of employers are logging onto social networks to examine profiles of candidates. 

So what does a Resume 2.0 look like?  What should you think through? 

  1. Professional-ize your image (your picture and working)
  2. Secure
  3. Make your e-mail
  4. Ensure your paper resume links to web — mixed mode works best!
  5. Develop your own personal brand document to ensure all you do online fits that brand!
  6. Add a Twitter widget to bring freshness
  7. Add a Podcast on your capabitilities
  8. Video cast as video is the most trusted media
  9. Slideshow of your character and experience
  • One of candidates sent me “The Brand of Jia” as her resume.  It was amazing!

What else would you recommend if you are hiring people?   What’s your best practice?

What is a Smart Workforce? Social is the difference. #ibmsocialbiz #kenexa #socbiz

One of the emerging trends my clients are telling me about — as they adopt social business and really embed social in their business processes — is the idea of a “Smarter Workforce.”

One attribute of an organization with a Smarter Workforce is the way they build their teams.

The way we recruit people has certainly changed.  It wasn’t that long ago that the Sunday newspaper came thick with job want ads, since recruiting in those days meant lots of expensive advertising and endless rounds of interviews.  The advent of online job postings streamlined that process for sure, and saved a lot of trees, but there’s an even newer trend we’re seeing, as social business works its way into the business processes of leading organizations.

Especially at one end of the job market — when you’re after recent graduates and people in the earlier stages of their careers — newspaper ads won’t reach them, and even online job postings are just “meh.” 

My most successful customers tell us they need to attract talent, not recruit it, and there’s a big difference.  I think social is that difference.  Do you agree?

Attracting top candidates is more than just awareness — sure they know you’re hiring, but now what? 

The trick is to attract the right candidates, who have the strengths, career aspirations and personalities your org needs to succeed — and them match them with the right roles, the right parts of your org, and the right place in your organization’s culture.

What do you do at your company?  How do you find the right candidates?  How do you use social to match the people you attract with jobs you and they want?

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