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5 Insights From VC Meetup and Panel for Enterpreneurs

I love to learn and share those learnings so here are 5 things I took away:

  1. Validate the good idea.   Over 50% of new apps and products fail.  Those that success have been vetted and tested.   The advice they gave was to have as many people as possible provide you feedback as quickly as you can. That could be through Kickstarter or just creating an MVP!
  2. Either be or hire a Tech Geek!    The VCs validated that every company today is competitive through technology (well, just about!).   The discussion was that every company is a tech company so either the founder or her right hand person needs to be steeped in the knowledge of technology.
  3. Network.   Networking is crucial to a successful startup.  All the VCs said that they bet on the person first, the idea second.   In order for them to bet on you, they need to know you and trust you!  Take the time to get to know those who might fund you!
  4. Have a business plan.   This factoid amazed me.  Over 50% of those companies that come into a VC come in with a great product but no business model.  Make sure you think through both the offering and the way that you make money.
  5. Dream big and have confidence.   A lot of success is trying again and again and not being afraid of hearing no  Facing  rejection can be tough, but ensure you have the confidence to wirhstand it.   One entrepreneur said he was turned down for funding over 20 times before he was funded, and is now a successful serial entrepreneur.  Be passionate about what you bring to the table.

Get enterprise-level analytics on a startup-level budget: IBM Analytics Starter Program

You know one of the biggest obstacles as a startup is having the revenue to buy or get access to software that could enhance your solutions. It gets even tougher when your clients are clamoring for analytics solutions to address their business challenges. You’ve got to get the solutions they need and fast!

We have the solution!
That’s why we’ve created the IBM Analytics Starter Program for startup ISVs! It can help you break through barriers and integrate proven, enterprise-strength software in the solutions you deliver to your clients!

Start-ups don’t have additional funds to invest in software. The IBM Analytics Starter Program takes away that barrier to entry! We offer software for no charge and no royalties for 18 months.

Who qualifies for the program?
If you are a member of IBM Global Entrepreneur, you’re already most of the way there! In addition, you must meet these two criteria:
•Company must integrate IBM software into their application
•Company’s application charge is less than $150,000 USD for one on-premise license

Great, where do I sign up?
To apply and learn more about the IBM Analytics Starter Program, visit our website or reach out to You can also contact your assigned Global Entrepreneur Relationship Manager. The program will be offered to qualified Business Partners in the US on 20 Jan 2015 and available worldwide in mid-February.

We look forward to helping you deliver better value to your clients with the power of business analytics!

Not a member of the IBM Global Entrepreneur? Now is a great time to become a member!

Helpful links:

  • IBM Analytics Starter Program ->
  • IBM Global Entrepreneur Program ->

VacantBoards uses Big Data and Analytics for the SmartCamp Lagos win!

Imagine a company that uses big data and analytic software to capture data on the flow of traffic to determine the value of advertising on billboards. A solution like that could help small businesses, as well as enterprise-level businesses, maximize their advertising dollars when selecting the right billboard.

You don’t have to imagine that company, because we found them at a SmartCamp event! VacantBoards was announced the winner of SmartCamp Lagos!

VacantBoards developed the very solution I described above. Driven by big data and analytics, their solution is a game changer in the African advertising industry. And, even better, their solution is provided at the touch of your fingers through a mobile app! How powerful is that?!

Congratulations to VacantBoards and to the Lagos ecosystem for putting on another great SmartCamp!


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