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Tag: social business (Page 37 of 38)

Social Tip of the Day! What is Social Currency! #socbiz #ibmsocialbiz #ibmpartners

What is Social Currency?  n. Value earned from the exchange of positive human interactions.  Usually measured by Trust.


“Social currency” is replacing information as a key power driver of change.   The concept of earned influence is more powerful than paid elements like advertising.   Trustworthiness
is demonstrated by

  • Following through on commitments
  • Congruence in words and deeds – walking the talk
  • Acting with integrity and honesty at all times

Trust earns your Social Currency.   Remember social is about a relationship, not a broadcast or technology.   

My recommendation is that you take your great relationship skills online.  Focus on conscious, purposeful, mindful approach to managing relationships.  Relationship is 2-way!  So talk and listen, but listen first!!!

Ways to listen: 

  • Tweet scan
  • Friend feed
  • Technorati
  • Backtype
  • Boardtracker
  • Google Alerts
  • Google Blog Search
  • Talkdigger
  • Bloglines

What’s your social currency?

Social and BIG Data! #socbiz #ibmsocialbiz #bigdata #socialbusiness

I love the concept of systems of engagement and systems of record. These systems of engagement have a need for a diverse range of information from traditional systems of record to new sources such as social media, machine data and enterprise content.

 systems of engagement and record

How does Big Data enable this shift?

The new era of computing is built on a foundation of big data, where:

  • All data is harnessed for its full potential to power new insights, policies and actions across the organization – both internally and externally.

Analytics helps you understand and anticipate, giving you the conviction to act

  • Descriptive data describes ‘who” the customer is and typically refers to information such as age, billing address, preferred contact method etc, and often use geo-demographic information as well
  • Behavioral data describes what a customer has acquired and refers to the raw transactions that the customer executes including orders, payments, usage etc, and how they use products and services. This also includes Sensor data from instrumented devices and systems, for example, your cellphone.
  • Interaction data describes “how” the customer interacts through all the touch points including email, chat and the notes from contact centers – this typically includes a high proportion of unstructured data (enterprise content)
  • Attitudinal data describes how customers think and feel – gives insight into the “Why” (i.e. motivation) – social media is a rich source of attitudinal data along with other sources such as surveys

big data and engagement

To turn the mass of global conversations in social media into Useable Insights can improve results in marketing, sales, customer care, product development, and more

Smarter Workforce Uses Resume 2.0 #socbiz #smarterworkforce

A smarter workforce looks for Resume 2.0! 

A company that demands a smarter workforce uses great techniques to acquire the best skill. Using innovative techniques to find the right people for the right roles, assessing culture fit before investing and offering compensation plans that motivate and build loyalty as well as the overall brand are attributes of this type of company.


Anyone who wants to work for a top company needs to work on their Resume – but Resume 2.064% of employers are logging onto social networks to examine profiles of candidates. 

So what does a Resume 2.0 look like?  What should you think through? 

  1. Professional-ize your image (your picture and working)
  2. Secure
  3. Make your e-mail
  4. Ensure your paper resume links to web — mixed mode works best!
  5. Develop your own personal brand document to ensure all you do online fits that brand!
  6. Add a Twitter widget to bring freshness
  7. Add a Podcast on your capabitilities
  8. Video cast as video is the most trusted media
  9. Slideshow of your character and experience
  • One of candidates sent me “The Brand of Jia” as her resume.  It was amazing!

What else would you recommend if you are hiring people?   What’s your best practice?

What is a Smart Workforce? Social is the difference. #ibmsocialbiz #kenexa #socbiz

One of the emerging trends my clients are telling me about — as they adopt social business and really embed social in their business processes — is the idea of a “Smarter Workforce.”

One attribute of an organization with a Smarter Workforce is the way they build their teams.

The way we recruit people has certainly changed.  It wasn’t that long ago that the Sunday newspaper came thick with job want ads, since recruiting in those days meant lots of expensive advertising and endless rounds of interviews.  The advent of online job postings streamlined that process for sure, and saved a lot of trees, but there’s an even newer trend we’re seeing, as social business works its way into the business processes of leading organizations.

Especially at one end of the job market — when you’re after recent graduates and people in the earlier stages of their careers — newspaper ads won’t reach them, and even online job postings are just “meh.” 

My most successful customers tell us they need to attract talent, not recruit it, and there’s a big difference.  I think social is that difference.  Do you agree?

Attracting top candidates is more than just awareness — sure they know you’re hiring, but now what? 

The trick is to attract the right candidates, who have the strengths, career aspirations and personalities your org needs to succeed — and them match them with the right roles, the right parts of your org, and the right place in your organization’s culture.

What do you do at your company?  How do you find the right candidates?  How do you use social to match the people you attract with jobs you and they want?

The Marble Effect! Build an Intentional Social Business Ecosystem! #ibmsocialbiz #socialbusiness #socbiz





The Marbles have 300% more surface area!!   So what does this have to do with Social?

Your voice gets magnified the more people in your network.   Your POV and listening impacts the best solution.

Take a look at this picture where you have a tiered Marble impact.    The upper tiers have impact and have direct linkage and work with a Social Business Manager.  The term “brand ambassador” has been a round for ages, but do we really want to create brand ambassadors?  The analogy isn’t quite right.  Nor do we want to put pressure on people to mindlessly share content on their personal networks.  So you need a bit more of a nuanced approach.   An intentional social enablement system!

multiply your impact

IBM has been working on a bunch of different enablement tiers that create an ecosystem of social enablement for IBMers.  Starting with a foundation of guidelines and policy – see our Social Business Coffee Break from yesterday blog post!  – and moving up to general education about social media, cybersecurity and reputation for all IBMers in the Digital IBMer hub.  From that tier, IBMers can move into the Forward Thinker Program which enables them to be surfaced on and other external experiences – and also to be identified for the IBM Select program, which is a small group of high-tough, bespoke plan enablement for the top tier.  All of this is managed by people from many different areas within IBM – the social business managers…we’re not suggesting that we create a whole department of social business managers, but this is definitely an emerging set of skills that people need!

I’d love your thoughts on this approach!!!


How do you balance Social and the Workday?

I love to multi-task and social really enables me to do more than one thing at a time.

However, the study by ( showed that

  •  The typical worker is interrupted once every 28 minutes on average.
  •  28% of the average work day is spent on interruptions and recovery time.
  •  45% of workers believe they are expected to work on too many things at once.
  •  And tasks done in parallel take on average 30% longer to complete than those performed in a sequence

So what are my secrets to getting more done with social:

  1. I schedule social time in.    15 minutes at the start of the day, middle and end so that I can focus on listening and learning.
  2. I plan my social calendar.   On the weekend, I plan my blogs my subjects to focus on, and even the tools of the week.
  3. I focus on what’s important with social analytics tools that help me sort through the rivers of information.
  4. I focus on the relationships and engagements.
  5. I love experimenting and look for surprises and learnings in everything (like see my last blog on the Ducks!)  If you don’t look, you won’t see it!

What would you add?

What’s your Duck? The Power of a Brand in the Twitter Stream #peabody #socbiz #ibmsocialbiz #socbiz #ibmconnect

Once upon a time, there was a world where social reigned  and where a teacher extraordinaire visited.  His name was Jeffrey Gitomer and he constantly declared simple points in a powerful way.   Then one day at Connect 2013 a magical thing happened.   At the Disney Complex , Jeffrey Gitomer reminded me about the wonder of the ducks at the Peabody Hotel.

So I tweeted about it … “What’s your duck?”   meaning what’s your brand like Peabody has done with the Duck!

Don’t know the story?   For over 80 years, in 3 hotels throughout the US, they have branded themselves with the ducks that march from their “palace” down an elevator to a “lobby pond” and back out again daily!   People from around the world have their ducks on their desk and on the tubs!  (See mine!)

orlando 219

Now after I tweeted comes the magic.

I was “engaged” by the Peabody in Orlando.  The ‘people’ aka Kate, tweeted me personal messages and invited me to come for a behind the scenes tour.

ducks 001
Of course i said yes as I was already going to take my kids that night!  Now, there were non believers with me. They said “that’s an automated message” and “there’s nothing special about that!”  until we arrived and as directed in the Tweet went to visit Donald the Duckmaster.

Now a Duckmaster leads the ducks in and out.   He is magical.  I came up to him to ask about the behind the scenes tour and — wait for it — he knew my name, my twitter profile,, and my social graph that linked to his!!!   (He used to be the AT&T account manager on the IBM account a few years before.  Now retired, he joined the Duckmasters!)

duck master 3

He invited me to be an honorary duck master for the night (my daughter said “Mom you are the coolest mom in the world”).  As I marched behind the ducks to the Duck palace, I thought about the power of the people .. the power of the duck .. all linked to social.

duck master 5

My conclusions:

  • The Peabody is a hip hotel with the right level of social engagement.  Kate rocked it by being personal, and meeting me in the person as well!
  • The Duck is going Social!  They know live not only in the pond, but in the twitter stream and blogosphere.   It is powerful.    You do need a duck.  What is yours?
  • The Peabody listened and responded.  And they knew my social graph.  Do you know your influencers Social Graph?  Do you know who your influencers are/
  • The Peabody demonstrated that the next generation of organizational productivity is based on unleashing the power of people.   It’s about leadership.   Culture.   Trust.  Transparency.

So, I end where I began.  What’s your Duck?   Do you engage?  The Peabody did.  I did.  And as a Result I am now an official Duck Master!  And the coolest mom in the world!

orlando 220

Thanks to:

Kate Thomas, Sherri Wallen,  Tatum Jay Delia , and Donald Tompkins

Social Business Adoption Top 10: #2 – Create a customized experience #socbiz #ibmsocialbiz #ibmconnect

We began a journey of the Top 10 best Social Business Adoption Practices!

Here is best practice #2 — Customizing the experiences!  The experience is part of helping people to learn to work differently.  It appeals to the person to help them be more productive and efficient — in essence , it helps them work the way they want to work!

I’d love to hear your comments on this adoption best practice!

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